It all began with our love of nature.

Our story

My partner Doug began woodturning around 6 years ago.  When we would go out and source wood on properties, I began to collect smaller pieces.  I made threading sets or blocks with off cuts.  By the end of the first year the majority of the wood we were collecting was for my projects instead of Dougs. 

Being Autistic, I can look at a piece of wood and see the project I have in mind instead of what is there.  I use that picture to form the products.  My first potion board was a beautiful piece of pine that resembled a lions face.  I remember looking at that piece of wood and seeing the potion board come together in my mind and that is where the potion boards began.  At that stage I had absolutely no idea the market for this kind of product.  I never imagined we would have sold hundreds of these.

I have a profound love for nature.  I am someone who notices the little things.  The twist in a branch, the different colours and shapes of leaves.  Walking through the bush is a hugely sensory activity for me.  I feel, I see, I smell my way through. I wanted the products we make to resemble nature, the way you might find a piece of wood in the bush.  I hope that one day children will learn to see potential in a piece of wood and learn to work with it.

Iā€™m a strong believer in giving fallen trees new life.  I am passionate about using wood to its full potential.  All of the wood we source is aged, much of it is sourced from a place in the Adelaide Hills that cleared the land between 50 and 75 years ago for grape vines.  We use every single piece of the wood we collect, even the wood shavings and saw dust go onto our gardens and into our chook pen.

We welcome you to our online home. Any questions please reach out.

- Melissa, Creator & Owner